On 13 December 2016, the Government of Western Australia published the Environmental Impact Assessment (Divisions 1 and 2 of Part IV) Administrative Procedure 2016 under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (AV). As a result of these legislative changes, the current 2014 bilateral assessment agreement with the Government of Western Australia no longer applies to certain proposals that are normally subject to bilateral review by the Crown. List of regions, then go to different links by country. Then we find pdf files for each country that contains information about bilateral contracts Old site does not work; Country lists containing information on bilateral treaties scroll down the lists of contracts in the pdf of bilateral and multilateral treaties For various reasons (see article describing the database), it is much easier to establish a complete list of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAS) than bilateral environmental agreements (BEA). The IEA database project is currently working to ensure the involvement of as many ESAs as possible, but users are encouraged to browse the following sites, which may contain additional bilateral environmental agreements that are not yet included. Shortlist: Mix of national laws and international environmental agreements www.exteriors.ad/en/treaties-and-international-agreements Memorandum of Understanding for the preparation of a draft bilateral assessment agreement (PDF – 112.33 KB) Communication on the intention to develop a draft bilateral assessment agreement (DOCX – 23.36 KB) The draft bilateral assessment agreement is made available on the Department`s website for a public comment period of at least 28 days. An international environmental agreement or, sometimes, an environmental protocol is a kind of legally binding treaty that allows them to achieve an environmental goal. In other words, it is “an intergovernmental document intended to be legally binding with a stated primary objective of preventing or managing human effects on natural resources”. [1] Germany-Poland Bilateral Agreement, April 2006 (in force since 6 July 2007) mfa.gov.kz/en/#!/foreign_policy/treaties_and_agreements/bilateral_international_treaties_of_the_republic_of_kazakhstan__/ www2.epa.gov/aboutepa/selected-multilateral-environmental-instrum. www.mvep.hr/en/foreign-politics/bilateral-relations/overview-by-country/ www.bahamas.gov.bs/wps/wcm/connect/mof_content/internet/all%20pdfs/resources/bilateral%20treaty www.esteri.sm/on-line/en/Home/InternationalTreaties/BilateralConventions/BilateralConventions-BilateralagreementswithotherStates.html list of international agreements containing summaries and links to texts www.mfa.ba/vanjska_politika_bih/bilateralni_odnosi/medunarodni_ugovori/prema_drzavama/Default.aspx The bilateral licensing agreement concluded will contain a list of Western Australian procedures accredited by the Federal Minister for the Environment. These processes are called “accredited processes”. Proposed measures under an accredited procedure do not require separate transfer, evaluation or approval by the Australian Government. www.mea.gov.in/bilateral-documents.htm?53/Bilateral/Multilateral_Documents French: short list of bilateral and multilateral agreements accessible via sitemap Description of a framework agreement between Italy and Croatia Texts and summaries of treaties/agreements that are scattered throughout the territory, but no central list Regional maritime agreements often contain provisions on transboundary EIAs, although often at the general level, for example: English: the website on which international agreements must be based on cooperation (above), then agreements (left); In English: list of agreements, including those ratified ec.europa.eu/world/agreements/searchByCountryAndContinent.do?id=4.
Lists broken down between multilateral/bilateral/international agreements www.environment.gov.za/legislation/international_agreements bilateral agreements that are not available in English, www.mmediu.ro/beta/domenii/relatii-internationale/tratate-bilaterale/ Section 45(3) of the EPBC Act requires the Minister to publish, as soon as possible after the start of the process of drawing up a draft bilateral agreement with a State or territory, a Memorandum of Understanding for the preparation of a draft bilateral agreement. . . .