There are six sub-articles of the WTO Agreement that require all Members to provide information on how to implement the article/provision or provide information on contact points. These are called transparency reports. They are set out in Article 1.4(a) to (c), Articles 10.4.3, 10.6.2 and 12.2. Details on each of them can be found below. Each Member shall, where appropriate, hold regular consultations between its border agencies and professionals or other stakeholders in its territory. In accordance with Article 10(4), Members shall endeavour to establish a single window for traders to submit to the participating authorities or bodies the documents/data necessary for the import, export or transit of goods through a central point of entry. In accordance with Article 10.4.3, Members shall provide information on the operation of this Single Window. (c) the least trade-restrictive measure where two or more alternative measures are reasonably available to achieve the policy objective(s) concerned; and on this page you will find general information on notifications to be submitted to the WTO Committee on Trade Facilitation. For notification templates and information about preparing notifications and examples from member notifications, see Prepare notifications. 1.1 Members agree on the importance of ensuring that distributors are aware of their compliance obligations, promoting voluntary compliance so that importers can correct themselves without penalty in appropriate circumstances, and applying compliance measures to take more stringent measures against non-compliant distributors. (14) 12.2 This Article shall not be construed as modifying or affecting the rights or obligations of a Member under such bilateral, plurilateral or regional agreements or regulating the exchange of customs information and data under such other agreements. 7.3 The trade facilitation measures provided for in paragraph 7.1 shall include at least three of the following measures :(7) 4.4 Each Member shall base its risk management on a risk assessment based on appropriate selectivity criteria. Those selectivity criteria may include, inter alia, the Harmonised System code, the nature and description of the goods, the country of origin, the country from which the goods were dispatched, the value of the goods, proof of conformity of the economic operators and the type of means of transport.
The lists of Members that have already submitted their transparency opinions can be found here: Article 1.4: tfadatabase.org/notifications/transparency/1-4?designation=all Article 10.4.3: tfadatabase.org/notifications/transparency/10-4-3?designation=all Article 10.6.2: tfadatabase.org/notifications/transparency/10-6-2?designation=all Article 12.2: tfadatabase.org/notifications/transparency/12-2?designation=all 4.1 Members shall endeavour to establish or maintain a one-stop shop for economic operators to submit to the participating authorities or bodies documents and/or data requirements for the import, export or transit of goods through a single point of entry. .