Rental Agreement For Furnished Room

» Posted by on Oct 4, 2021 in Uncategorized | 0 comments


17. The terms “lessor” and “lessee”, wherever present and used here, are to be interpreted as meaning “lessor” and “lessee” where more than one person is one of the parties to the lease agreement; and that all agreements contained therein are binding on their successors, heirs, executors, administrators and addressees of the assignment, and that they are exercised by their lawyer or representative. 2. The premises described are rented furnished to accommodate all the equipment appearing on the list of furniture forming part of the rental contract signed and dated by both parties. 12. The lessor shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused to or to property placed in a storage or storage room situated in a building, such storage or storage space not being free of charge and not forming part of the obligation under this rental agreement. .