The Four Agreements Free Printable Poster

» Posted by on Apr 13, 2021 in Uncategorized | 0 comments


Sign up to be informed of special offers and events and receive a free poster. The first time I heard the word “normal,” I had to ask what it meant… Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, takes us to a mystical place where he finds inspiration: Teotihuacén, Mexico – the ancient city of the pyramids outside Mexico City, known as the place where “man becomes God”. The four chords are based on the wisdom of toltec,… In Los Cuatro Acuerdos, don Miguel Ruiz revela la fuente de todas las creencias que nos ponen lémites y nos privan de alegréa, creando sufrimiento inétil. Basados en la antigua sabidura tolteca, Los Cuatro Acuerdos nos ofrecen un poderoso cédigo de conducta que puede transformar… Think of a recent event in your life that has caused you emotional pain. Then imagine this event from a “distant” point of view; that is, try to detach yourself emotionally from the action — the reactions that were part of that event.