This period is approximately three months, which is sufficient for the preparation and conclusion of the consortium agreement. DESCA or any other CA model will definitely help you manage your project – if you are conducting a risk assessment analysis and if part of the advance is to be retained; when certain processes are required to manage delays or troubled partners; whether the coordination team obtains additional authority; where issues relating to safeguards need to be clearly specified; where notification rules should include internal measures, etc. If you`d like to learn more about these topics, we have a one-hour webinar where we`ll share some interesting stories from our H2020 projects. The consortium agreement complements the grant agreement for Horizon 2020. While the grant agreement establishes the binding legal relationship between the European Commission and the project partners, the consortium agreement establishes and regulates the relationship between the partners themselves. A professional legal advisor experienced in such consortium agreements will provide you with the following services: We also believe that the signing of the standard template only serves to fulfill the basic requirements of a certification body to complete the process of preparing the grant agreement (PAC). It will only effectively support the implementation of the project if the standard text is adapted to the needs of the project and the individual needs of the consortium. Further regulation of NP-related issues is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended for unionized partners….